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Elaborating Dependent (Co)pattern Matching
Pattern matching dependent types in Coq
A dependently typed calculus with pattern matching and erasure inference (ICFP 2020)
#16 Agda, K Axiom, HoTT, Rewrite Theory - Jesper Cockx
Why this pattern matching fails in Agda?
Agda Lecture 2: Basic MLTT Types -- HoTTEST Summer School 2022
Proving in Constructive Mathematics by Programming in Agda Course by Uma Zalakain | Session 3
Agda 4: Correctness of programs
Agda Problem Session 1: Introduction to Agda, types & functions (Astra) - HoTTEST Summer School 2022
Talking Tactics in LeanProver vs Understanding Proofs in Agda with Conal Elliott
[POPL 2021] The Taming of the Rew: A Type Theory with Computational Assumptions (full)
[POPL 2021] The Taming of the Rew: A Type Theory with Computational Assumptions (full)